Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN)

Goulburn Murray Local Learning & Employment Network

Goulburn Murray LLEN supports student work placements in the local government areas of Greater Shepparton, Moira and Strathbogie.

Goulburn Murray LLEN helps school students undertaking VET as part of their VCE and VCAL studies, including School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs), to access Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) placements in industry and business. We have contacts with employers in building and construction, allied health and community services, manufacturing and engineering, and other sectors.

By Industry

Industry Positions

By VET Course

Course Code and Name Positions
22138VIC - Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-Apprenticeship) 1
22209VIC - Certificate II in Engineering Studies 16
22216VIC - Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pre-Apprenticeship) 8
22261VIC - Certificate II in Electrotechnology Studies (Pre-vocational) 4
22289VIC - Certificate II in Integrated Technologies 10
22304VIC - Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-Apprenticeship) 7
22334VIC - Certificate IV in Cyber Security 3
22338VIC - Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pre-Apprenticeship) 54
22470VIC - Certificate II in Engineering Studies 44
22480VIC - Certificate II in Small Business (Operations / Innovation) 13
22499VIC - Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-Vocational) 18
22569VIC - Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-Apprenticeship) 4
ACM20110 - Certificate II in Animal Studies 3
ACM20117 - Certificate II in Animal Studies 1
ACM30110 - Certificate III in Animal Studies 3
ACM30117 - Certificate III in Animal Studies 1
ACM30410 - Certificate III in Companion Animal Services 3
AHC20116 - Certificate II in Agriculture 10
AHC20410 - Certificate II in Horticulture 7
AHC20416 - Certificate II in Horticulture 14
AHC21016 - Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management 8
AHC21020 - Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management 8
AHC21610 - Certificate II in Landscaping 2
AHC21616 - Certificate II in Landscaping 20
AHC30116 - Certificate III in Agriculture 7
AHC30616 - Certificate III in Production Horticulture 3
AHC30716 - Certificate III in Horticulture 9
AHC30910 - Certificate III in Landscape Construction 2
AHC30916 - Certificate III in Landscape Construction 23
AHC31420 - Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management 8
AUR20520 - Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology 18
AUR20716 - Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation 30
AUR20720 - Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation 18
AUR20920 - Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology 14
AUR30616 - Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology (Release 1) 16
AUR32116 - Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology 12
AUR32416 - Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology 10
BSB20112 - Certificate II in Business 3
BSB20115 - Certificate II in Business 65
BSB20120 - Certificate II in Workplace Skills 4
BSB30112 - Certificate III in Business 1
BSB30115 - Certificate III in Business 46
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business 16
BSB30412 - Certificate III in Business Administration 31
CHC20112 - Certificate II in Community Services 16
CHC22015 - Certificate II in Community Services 39
CHC24015 - Certificate II in Active Volunteering 15
CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care 55
CHC30213 - Certificate III in Education Support 1
CHC30712 - Certificate III in Children's Services 3
CHC32015 - Certificate III in Community Services 35
CPC20112 - Certificate II in Construction 50
CPC20120 - Certificate II in Construction 42
CPC20211 - Certificate II in Construction Pathways 44
CPC20220 - Certificate II in Construction Pathways 42
CPC30111 - Certificate III in Bricklaying / Blocklaying 8
CPC30211 - Certificate III in Carpentry 3
CPC31211 - Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining 7
CPC31311 - Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling 5
CPC31912 - Certificate III in Joinery 3
CPC32413 - Certificate III in Plumbing 3
CUA20215 - Certificate II in Creative Industries 4
CUA20715 - Certificate II in Visual Arts 4
CUA30715 - Certificate III in Design Fundamentals 10
CUA31015 - Certificate III in Screen & Media 4
CUA31115 - Certificate III in Visual Arts 4
FBP20117 - Certificate II in Food Processing  4
FBP20217 - Certificate II in Baking 4
HLT23215 - Certificate II in Health Support Services 2
HLT37315 - Certificate III in Health Administration 2
ICP20115 - Certificate II in Printing and Graphic Arts (General)  8
ICP20120 - Certificate II in Printing and Graphic Arts 4
ICP31420 - Certificate III in Prepress Graphic Design Production 8
ICT20115 - Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology 12
ICT20120 - Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies 7
ICT20319 - Certificate II in Telecommunications Technology 3
ICT30115 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology 6
ICT30118 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology 3
ICT30120 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology 3
ICT40120 - Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking 3
ICT40418 - Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking 3
LMF32109 - Certificate III in Cabinet Making 3
MEM20105 - Certificate II in Engineering 47
MEM20205 - Certificate II in Engineering(Production Tech) 1
MEM20219 - Certificate II in Engineering - Production Technology 30
MEM20413 - Certificate II in Engineering Pathways 42
MEM30205 - Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade 8
MEM30305 - Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade 18
MSF20113 - Certificate II in Furnishing 5
MSF31018 - Certificate III in Interior Decoration Retail Services 1
MSF31113 - Certificate III in Cabinet Making 11
MSL30118 - Certificate III in Laboratory Skills 3
RII20715 - Certificate II in Civil Construction 33
RII20720 - Certificate II in Civil Construction 33
RII30815 - Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations 21
RII30820 - Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations 21
RII30915 - Certificate III in Civil Construction 33
RII30919 - Certificate III in Civil Construction 33
SHB30115 - Certificate III in Beauty Services 3
SIR20216 - Certificate II in Retail Services 1
SIS20115 - Certificate II in Sport and Recreation 14
SIS20219 - Certificate II in Sport Developing Athlete 8
SIS20313 - Certificate II in Sport and Recreation 2
SIS20419 - Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation 12
SIS30115 - Certificate III in Sport and Recreation 8
SIS30213 - Certificate III in Community Activity Programs 1
SIS30313 - Certificate III in Fitness 2
SIS30315 - Certificate III in Fitness 2
SIS30513 - Certificate III in Sport and Recreation 2
SIS30713 - Certificate III in Sport Coaching 1
SIT20112 - Certificate II in Tourism 2
SIT20116 - Certificate II in Tourism 8
SIT20213 - Certificate II in Hospitality 3
SIT20316 - Certificate II in Hospitality 24
SIT20416 - Certificate II in Kitchen Operations 14
SIT30116 - Certificate III in Tourism 8
SIT30516 - Certificate III in Events 20
SIT30616 - Certificate III in Hospitality 19
SIT30713 - Certificate III in Hospitality 3
SIT30916 - Certificate III in Catering Operations 8
TLI32416 - Certificate III in Logistics 27
UEE21911 - Certificate II in Electronics 5
UEE21920 - Certificate II in Electronics 9
UEE22011 - Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) 16
UEE22020 - Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) 9
UEE30811 - Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician 8
UEE32211 - Certificate III in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 6
VCE0000001 - VCE (including VCE Vocational Major) 3
VCE20116 - Industry & Enterprise 299
VIC20116 - VCAL Studies 355
VIC22216 - Certificate II in Building and Construction 6
VIC22261 - Certificate II in Electrotechnology Studies (Pre-vocational) 5