W110667 - Agriculture worker

Agriculture worker
Agrivision Consultants

This business is located in a large modern office complex but students can expect to largely be out visiting farming enterprises with consultants and agronomists. Agrivision offers an extensive range of services to farmers around soil testing, fertilisers, weed and pest management and plant health. The company has been involved with SWL previously and enthusiastic students will have many opportunities to learn from a business that is a leader in its field.

Skills You Might Learn

- Time management and punctuality and a strong work ethic
- Communication skills
- How to work as a productive team member
- Workplace safety-Coordination in use of tools
-Problem solving
-People skills
-working as a team

Typical Tasks & Duties

This position will include duties such as helping other employees to assist them in their roles. Student will be expected to be an active participant in all workplace practices. Spending time out with agronomists on farming enterprises will be the focus of their duties but combining this with the opportunity at North West Ag, a sister company, is recommended for a broader experience. Students will learn about cropping procedures and may possibly interact with farmers while under supervision. They will learn to act as part of a team while strengthening workplace communication skills.

Student Requirements

The students must have completed the OH&S module in WRS VM or else have begun the OH&S module in the relevant VET course.

Dress Requirements

Students are to wear neat casual dress appropriate for the work place plus sturdy work boots.

Special Transport Requirements

Students may need to organise their own transport to work.

Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W110667
Location: SWAN HILL - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Work Experience (WE)
Attendance: The student will be required to attend as per negotiated with the employer.
Added By: Murray Mallee Local Learning & Employment Network


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