W135873 - Early Childhood Educator

Early Childhood Educator
Roscoe Avenue Children's Centre

If you are undertaking a VET Certificate and/or interested in Childcare, this placement will be ideal to contribute to your practical placement hours. This long daycare setting caters for children from 6 weeks to 6 years of age, in a happy, caring, supportive and stimulating environment. You will have the opportunity to work with experienced Early Childhood Educators who have a wealth of experience in providing quality care and early childhood educational programs. The children are grouped by age across rooms, with qualified early childhood professionals staffing each room..

Skills You Might Learn

Working in a team and independently - Working with people of all different abilities and backgrounds - Communication - Time management Teamwork, communication, problem solving, time management etc., gain experience with all pre-school age groups. Improve industry awareness, including cultural preferences. Develop positive and respectful relationships with children, assist with health and safety of children, interact positively with infants, toddlers and parents, participate in workplace health and safety, promote healthy food and drinks, etc.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Students will work with children across a range of ages in a childcare setting and will be supported by qualified and experienced educators. There will be a broad range of tasks and duties you will be required to undertake which will contribute to developing your skills and knowledge in early childhood education and care and will work towards you developing your competencies for your qualification. During your placement, you may undertake the following: -Assist with activities and programs. Read to children and assist in maintaining a clean environment. Work with children to create a painting, story or creative item. Prepare food if appropriately qualified (ie Food Handlers) Assist in feeding children and nappy changing. Follow polices and procedures for allergy management. Follow polices in regards to sun safety for children. Be aware of how to deal with problem behaviors and maintain a hygienic workplace.

Student Requirements

Communication skills - Attention to detail - Motivated and organised - Ability to use own initiative - Willingness to learn - Ability to work independently as well as part of a team. - Responsible, supportive and caring attitude - Good people skills - Accommodating to different personalities and abilities - Working with children check if over 18 years of age.

Dress Requirements

Neat, Casual dress with a preference to black pants, and covered, non slip footwear. Suitable attire for sunsmart including a hat for outdoor activities.

Special Transport Requirements

Travel for excursions may be required, therefore Travel arrangement for to be completed.

Positions: 2 Positions
ID Number: W135873
Location: Hamilton - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Work Experience (WE)
Attendance: Centre hours are 6.30am to 6.30pm, although placement shift hours are 8.30am to 5 pm with a 1 hour lunch break. Times can be negotiated to accommodate Travel arrangements.
Added By: Glenelg and Southern Grampians Local Learning & Employment Network


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