W109719 - Teacher's aide

Teacher's aide
Swan Hill North Primary School

Staff at Swan Hill North Primary School are friendly and positive about the SWL program in general. Students interested in working with young children will find this placement to be very rewarding and enjoyable. The placement offers flexibility with students being able to be involved in a variety of the mainstream curriculum areas being taught, plus Sport and PE, Music and ICT. This is a great chance for SWL students to learn what its like to be part of a school community.

Skills You Might Learn

Students will gain some hands-on practical experience while assisting staff with the children The students will be working in real-life scenarios in a real life environment. The strengthening of communication skills is a large part of this placement as well as gaining confidence while helping manage and communicate with students.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Students will work with Swan Hill North teachers to assist them in their duties in relation to the various programs and activities. Students will be required to be an active participant in all workplace practises while being supervised by staff. Helping with reading, maths, sport and art are just some of the things students will be involved with.

Student Requirements

The students must have completed the OH&S module in WRS VCAL or else have begun the OH&S module in the relevant VET course.

Dress Requirements

Students are to wear neat casual dress appropriate for the work place.

Special Transport Requirements

Students will need to organise their own transport to work although there is a town bus service that may be useful.


  • CHC22015 - Certificate II in Community Services
Positions: 3 Positions
ID Number: W109719
Location: SWAN HILL - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: The student will be required to attend as per negotiated with the employer.
Added By: Murray Mallee Local Learning & Employment Network


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