W110990 - Recreation officer

Recreation officer
YMCA - Warragul Leisure Centre

AMAZING opportunity to work alongside the Aquatics staff at Warragul Leisure Centre. Gain insight into the roles of a lifeguard, swim and aquatic fitness teachers, program manager etc. See behind the scenes of pool maintenance, water testing, safety protocols, etc. This recently upgraded venue has range of pools and offers regular classes and activities to service the local community.

Skills You Might Learn

Teamwork, communication, problem solving, workplace health and safety, using technology. Exposure to first aid processes, including preparation for emergency situations.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Shadow lifeguards, training staff and manager during daily duties across all areas of Aquatics centre. Potential to support school swimming carnivals, aquatic fitness classes, etc. depending on the timing of placement and availability of the student.

Student Requirements

Would suit students interested in the leisure industry, specifically Aquatics. Could suit VCE or VM student.

Dress Requirements

Dress-code, footwear, etc. will be discussed at interview.

Special Transport Requirements

Student to arrange


  • SIS30115 - Certificate III in Sport and Recreation
  • VCE20116 - Industry & Enterprise
  • VIC20116 - VCAL Studies
Positions: 2 Positions
ID Number: W110990
Location: Warragul - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: To be discussed with employer
Added By: Baw Baw Latrobe Local Learning & Employment Network


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