W112084 - Plumber

Laings Plumbing

A great opportunity at Laings Plumbing. Laings Plumbing is committed to all aspects of the plumbing industry. Laings Plumbing is a local business with 30 plus year industry experience in all aspects of the plumbing industry.

Skills You Might Learn

This list contains suggestions. Not all activities will be suitable for all students or all businesses. Use hand tools to assist in a job. Work within the team. Use hand tools to assist in a job. Measure a job with graduated devices and perform basic calculations based on this. Carry out measurements and calculations. List materials required to complete a job and calculate the cost of the materials. Use basic plumbing tools. Use plumbing pipes, fittings and fixtures to simulate plumbing instillation's. Assist with gluing of pipes. Assist with cutting copper pipe. Clean-up work areas and prepare them for plumber. Assist with digging requirements. Basic aspects of general plumbing.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Mobile Phone; Students are not to use their phone during work time. Students should discuss the workplace phone policy with their supervisor. This list contains suggestions. Not all activities will be suitable for all students or all businesses. Act in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements. Work within the team. Use hand tools to assist in a job. Measure a job with graduated devices and perform basic calculations based on this. Carry out measurements and calculations. List materials required to complete a job and calculate the cost of the materials. Use basic plumbing tools. Use plumbing pipes, fittings and fixtures to simulate plumbing instillation's. Assist with gluing of pipes. Assist with cutting copper pipe. Clean-up work areas and prepare them for use. Assist with digging requirements. Basic aspects of general plumbing.

Student Requirements

Whilst the students are attending a work placement they are expected to: Dress appropriately. Maintain interest and participate in work duties. Be well mannered and behave in a respectful and responsible manner. Be punctual. Follow management instructions. Act in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements. An OH&S safety “White Card” is required before commencing Work within the team. Listen and take advice from employer. Participate in business activities as required. Respect other people’s belongings. Keep a note pad and pen handy to take notes for their own reference. Demonstrate the skills they have developed through their course. Take their Log Book to the work placement every day.

Dress Requirements

Plumbing – Safety boots. Work wear pants. Shirt & long sleeve shirt,

Special Transport Requirements

Public transport is limited. Students are advised to make their own transport arrangement.


  • 22304VIC - Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-Apprenticeship)
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W112084
Location: Red Cliffs - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: The day's and times you attend your placement will be negotiated with your host employer. Placement will be one day each week and the number of weeks will be negotiated with your host employer.
Added By: Northern Mallee Local Learning & Employment Network


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