W112112 - Sport development officer

Sport development officer
Mildura Basketball Association

Is your ideal career to balance your love of Sport and Recreation with Administration? This opportunity with the Mildura Basketball Association is an ideal placement for a student currently studying in Sports and Recreation and/or Business Administration to gain skills with a growing Association.

The SWL Opportunity is ideally suited to a VCE-VM, VPC or VCE student studying Sport and Recreation and/or Business Administration as part of their study program, to gain skills with a very busy Association. as part of their study program.

Sounds like a pretty good employer to have on your resume doesn't it? Make Mildura Basketball Association your next phone call to find out more.

If you are interested in applying for this opportunity, please share this opportunity with your Careers Transition Pathway Officer, Careers, VET or VCE-VM Coordinator.

Skills You Might Learn

The student may have the opportunity to attain a broad range of skills while on work placement. These may include valuable employability skills such as;
• Communication.
• Teamwork.
• Attention to detail.
• Punctuality.
• Presentation.
• Hygiene.
• Problem solving.
• Planning.
• Initiative.
• Follow instructions.
• Work under supervision.
• Industry specific OH&S.

The student may also attain vital industry specific skills which will relate to their secondary school studies they include:
• Hands-on practical experience.
• Observing and learning from industry qualified and experienced professionals.
• Working in real-life scenarios.
• Working with equipment necessary to the occupation.
• Liaising and working with supervisors, colleagues, industry personnel, customers/clients and suppliers.

Typical Tasks & Duties

The student will undertake duties as part of a professional and hardworking team in the Sports and Recreation Administration area. The student will complete basic administrative duties as well as sport and recreation tasks as instructed. The student will work under the direct supervision of the General Manager Administration.
Administration Tasks Include;
- Contribution to health and safety of self and others
- Deliver customer service
- Work effectively in a business environment
- Process and maintain information
- Handle mail
- Communicate verbally and electronically
- Produce and alter simple documents
- Participate in sustainable work practices
Sport & Recreation Tasks Include;
- Assist with junior activity sessions
- Follow instructions in an emergency situation
- Maintain industry specific knowledge
- Work alongside our night staff for competition nights

Student Requirements

Students who show genuine interest in a Sports & Recreation/Business Administration career are strongly encouraged to consider a future placement with the Mildura Basketball Association to develop industry specific skills.

Whilst the student is attending the work placemen they are expected to:
- Dress appropriately
- Maintain personal hygiene
- Be punctual
- Follow instruction
- Demonstrate interest by participating in tasks and work duties
- Act in accordance with OH&S standards
- Work within a team
- Respect Mildura Basketball Association and personal property
- Demonstrate industry knowledge
- Take their Log Book to placement each day

Dress Requirements

Mildura Basketball Association urges students to use their judgement when choosing work attire. The business has a smart casual dress code policy, with emphasis on maintaining comfort and ability to participate in physical demands where necessary. To assist your choices, here are some recommendations:
- Neat Casual sports attire
- Non-slip enclosed shoes
- Avoid graphic tees/jumpers
- Maintain personal hygiene and presentation

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) appropriate to the tasks and duties carried out by the student, will be supplied by the Host Employer.

KMART Mildura is a supplier of appropriate Sport and Recreation Administration worksite clothing.

Special Transport Requirements

Public Transport is limited, students to check bus transport availability and or speak to parents/carer to organise transport prior to contacting employer.

CDC Victoria - Mildura: Ph: 5023 0274, Website: https://cdcvictoria.com.au/travel-information/timetables-and-maps/mildura/.


  • BSB20115 - Certificate II in Business
  • BSB30115 - Certificate III in Business
  • BSB30412 - Certificate III in Business Administration
  • SIS20115 - Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
  • SIS30115 - Certificate III in Sport and Recreation
  • SIS30313 - Certificate III in Fitness
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W112112
Location: Mildura - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: Attendance will be negotiated with the host employer after the successful student is notified, Monday to Friday 10am to 7pm.
Added By: Northern Mallee Local Learning & Employment Network


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