W112116 - Early Childhood Educator

Early Childhood Educator
Good Start Early Learning Mildura - Mathew Flinders Drive

Goodstart is a not-for-profit organisation that reinvest its operating surpluses in its network and people and for the benefit of every child and their early learning. Goodstart Early Learning has over 13,500 staff supporting over 60,000 families and the 71,500 children that attend their 643 childcare centres nation-wide. Goodstart Early Learning center in Mildura has Structured Workplace Learning opportunities for students that would like to pursue a career in early childhood,

Skills You Might Learn

Early Child Care skills and the ability to observe children and provide assistance and feedback and to assist the child with learning activities. Working within a team. Following safe work practices. Knowledge of requirements needed to provide care for individuals and groups of children, and to plan activities facilitating their leisure and play.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Interacting with children, changing nappies, assisting educators, and cleaning duties. Additional duties include: assisting in organizing and participating in recreational activities, such as games. Observing and monitoring children's play activities.

Student Requirements

Volunteer Working with Children's Check. Prior to the interview with the host employer, students are required to review the businesses web page and learn some background information on the organisation and what it is they do. Whilst the students are attending a work placement they are expected to: Dress appropriately Maintain interest and participate in work duties Be well mannered and behave in a respectful and responsible manner Be punctual Follow management instructions Act in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements Work within the team Listen and take advice from fellow workers Participate in business activities as required Respect other people’s belongings Keep a note pad and pen handy to take notes for their own reference Demonstrate the skills they have developed through their course Take their Log Book to the work placement every day.

Dress Requirements

Neat attire, hat and enclosed shoes.

Special Transport Requirements

Public transport is limited. Students are advised to make their own transport arrangement.


  • CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
  • CHC32015 - Certificate III in Community Services
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W112116
Location: Mildura - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: To be negotiated at time of interview.
Added By: Northern Mallee Local Learning & Employment Network


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