W122702 - Early Childhood Educator

Early Childhood Educator
Future Superstars ELC

Future Superstars Epping is offering an SWL placement for a student interested in child care. Future Super Stars Early Learning Child Care Centres recognise the need for both access to high-quality early learning and development as well as fun, safe and monitored care for young children. The aim at Future Super Stars Early Learning Centres is to create a centre where families feel welcomed and children are learning continuously in an enjoyable and enriching environment.

They cater for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years old, and believe in creating a safe and warm environment for children to reach their full potential.

Skills You Might Learn

Teamwork, communication, problem solving, time management and experience with all pre-school age groups will be acquired as part of your placement along with improving your industry awareness, and understanding cultural preferences. You will observe,assist and develop individual programs for children, develop positive and respectful relationships, assist with their health and safety and interact positively with infants, toddlers and parents. You will also learn the importance of promoting the health and well being of children through healthy food, snacks and drinks, etc.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Interacting with children, changing nappies,assisting educators and general cleaning duties.

Additional duties include:
-assisting in organising and engaging in learning experiences and play spaces.
- Observing and monitoring children's play activities.

Student Requirements

Punctual and reliable, courteous, and helpful. Volunteer Working with Children's Check

Dress Requirements

Discreet jewellery, long hair tied back, flat supportive shoes, dress suited to working with children, to be discussed at interview.

Special Transport Requirements

The centre is located at the Epping Melbourne Polytechnic campus


  • CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W122702
Location: epping - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: To be negotiated
Added By: Hume Whittlesea Local Learning & Employment Network


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