W126781 - Teacher's aide

Teacher's aide
Ararat West Primary School

Please contact CGLLEN for more information specific to this placement- swl@cgllen.org.au or 03 53523266. Ararat West Primary School is a community school for students from Foundation to Year 6. The lovely learning environment is set amongst native flora and large grounds to provide students with the opportunity engage and enjoy their education in a naturally rich setting. Students and teachers operate in Collaborative Learning Spaces and engage in teaching and learning activities that evoke passion and inspiration. SWL placement students interested in working with young children will find this placement to be very rewarding and enjoyable. The placement offers flexibility with students being involved in a variety of the mainstream curriculum areas being taught, including creative arts, education support and wellbeing and music programs. To learn about what it's like to be part of the teaching profession, please talk to you careers teacher today about how to apply.

Skills You Might Learn

Skills attained will include the following;
- Importance of teamwork.
- Time management and punctuality.
- Communication skills in the workplace.
- Experience and familiarity with the general care and education of children.
- Exposure to Primary School activities in a professional environment.
- Broader understanding of what a teacher’s role involves on a day-to-day basis.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Students will work with Ararat West Primary School teachers and educational support staff to assist them in their duties in relation to the various programs and activities. Students will be required to be an active participant in all workplace practises while being supervised by staff. Students will be responsible for the following tasks;
- Assisting Teachers with planned activities and experiences, setting educational learning spaces in both the indoor and outdoor environment.
- Engaging with children and parent/guardians as instructed by the Teacher in charge.
- Completing all related cleaning, setting up and packing away tasks as assigned by the Teacher and Educators.

Student Requirements

Students are encouraged to consider a SWL placement to develop skills learned from their Industry and Enterprise subject and/or in their VET course in Community Services/Creative Arts and Culture and/or Early Childhood Education and Care. The following requirements must be met;
- Students are required to have completed the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) in the relevant VET course.
- Students must adhere to strict Privacy and Confidentiality policy and procedures.
- Students and volunteers are to provide the safest environment possible for children and young people. Ararat West Primary School has a strong commitment to the Child Safe Standards, students are expected to read and understand the expectations of a student placement and must read and sign all Student/Volunteer requirements.
- Students must be able to spend extended periods engaged in educational programs and interact with children at a child's level.
- Students must have a willingness to learn and be able to follow instructions carefully and competently.
- Students must be willing to communicate clearly and work as a productive team member.
- Students must be completing a related subject or have displayed an interest in Community Services and/or Creative Arts and Culture.
- Students must display great initiative to complete tasks and follow lesson plans.
- Personal mobile phones are not required and should only be used out of work hours or on meal breaks.
- Privacy and Confidentiality policy clauses prevent personal mobile phones usage while interacting with children and Ararat West Primary staff.

Dress Requirements

Students undertaking a Primary School placement will be required to wear neat casual clothing as appropriate for an Education Service- comfortable clothing and closed in toe and heel shoes. A hat will be required for all outdoor activity from the months of August through till April (SunSmart Policy applies).

Special Transport Requirements

The student or the parent/guardian (where the student is under 18 years of age) is responsible for the student’s transport to and from the workplace. If it is proposed that the student may need to undertake vehicle travel with their employer and/or supervisor on excursions or work-related travel during the arrangement (including transporting the student to and/or from the workplace), the employer must complete the Structured Workplace Learning Travel and Accommodation Form. The student or the parent/guardian (where the student is under 18 years of age) must give their consent by also completing this form. The student will be required to arrange their own transport; if transport is presenting a problem, please contact CGLLEN to discuss available options and support that can be provided. Email: SWL@cgllen.org.au Phone: 03 5352 3266


  • BSB20120 - Certificate II in Workplace Skills
  • CHC22015 - Certificate II in Community Services
  • CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
  • CHC32015 - Certificate III in Community Services
  • CUA20215 - Certificate II in Creative Industries
  • CUA20615 - Certificate II in Music Industry
  • CUA30915 - Certificate III in Music Industry
  • SIS20115 - Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
  • SIS30115 - Certificate III in Sport and Recreation
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W126781
Location: Ararat - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: To be negotiated with Teacher, Student and Employer- Forms required before commencement are Ministerial Order 1412 - Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements; Structured Workplace Learning Arrangement Form; and Structured Workplace Learning Guidelines for Employers. A typical day will begin at 8:30am and finish at 3:20pm with a lunch break.
Added By: Central Grampians Local Learning & Employment Network


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