W128430 - Joiner/ cabinet maker

Joiner/ cabinet maker
Campaspe Kitchens

This Placement is with an experienced local cabinet maker. It is a busy workshop and would provide a motivated student with an excellent opportunity to learn about the cabinet making industry. Students will be expected to participate in a whole range of learning scenarios. If interested in joinery and cabinet making, don't miss this opportunity to learn more!

Skills You Might Learn

You will gain skills in planning and design, preparing and setting out materials for the job, using hand tools and finishing items to be ready for delivery. Workplace communication skils will also be strengthened.

Typical Tasks & Duties

The business has a strong focus on meeting customer's requirements. You would support qualified staff working on a project during your placement. This will enable you to understand each step in the process to completing the finished item.

Student Requirements

Students must have an aptitude for cabinet making and enthusiasm to match. Preferably you will be enrolled in vocational training in Cabinetry, Furniture Making or Carpentry.

Dress Requirements

Students will be required to wear neat casual dress appropriate for the workplace plus sturdy footwear.

Special Transport Requirements

Student to make own travel arrangements.


  • CPC20211 - Certificate II in Construction Pathways
  • MSF20313 - Certificate II in Furniture Making
  • VIC20116 - VCAL Studies
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W128430
Location: Echuca - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: To be negotiated with Employer.
Added By: Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning & Employment Network


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