W133840 - Early Childhood Educator

Early Childhood Educator
Kool Kidz Coolaroo

Our Kool Kidz Childcare Coolaroo childcare centre offers two well-equipped national quality outdoor play areas, divided into areas for 0-2, 2-3 years and children aged 3-5 years. This ensures growing, energetic children have plenty of room to play, while the younger children can also safely play.

Inside our architecturally designed, age-appropriate classrooms, your child will find an extensive selection of entertaining and educational books, toys and activities designed to stimulate their imagination

Skills You Might Learn

Early Child Care skills, such as observing children and providing assistance and feedback. The ability to assist children with learning activities, understanding of mandatory reporting, administrative duties and business practices and processes, working within a team and following safe work practices.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Interacting with children, changing nappies under supervision, assisting educator, and cleaning duties. Additional duties include: assisting in organising and participating in recreational activities, such as games; observing and monitoring children's play activities and adminitrative duties.

Student Requirements

Students must be genuinely interested in children's education and understand that childcare is more than 'play'. Students must be punctual, refrain from using mobile phones, be reliable, have a positive attitude, be proactive and be helpful. Students are also required to have their volunteer Working with Children's Check.

Dress Requirements

Neat and comfortable attire, hat and enclosed shoes

Special Transport Requirements

Please see PTV app


  • CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W133840
Location: COOLAROO - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: this employer prefers a block week
Added By: Hume Whittlesea Local Learning & Employment Network


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