Early Childhood Educator
Perridak Burron Early Learning
This work experience placement is available for a one week block - the centre will consider dates as requested, subject to staffing levels.
Perridak Burron Early Learning is an Aboriginal community-owned not-for-profit education and care service, operated by the Ballarat & District Aboriginal Co-operative.
Located in the heart of Brown Hill, Victoria, Perridak Burron is available for all children across the Ballarat district. Perridak Burron is a place where your child can access affordable, high-quality education and care, delivered by an expert team of qualified educators, with an emphasis on Culture, Education and Community.
We are passionate about providing an educationally rich and nurturing environment in which all children will grow and develop into the next generation of culturally competent citizens, with a love for the land and their community.
Skills You Might Learn
Customer service
Interacting with children
Communication skills
Ability to work in a team
Time management
Ability to work automously
Using specialist technology
Problem solving
Self management
Ability to work with a range of people
Typical Tasks & Duties
Students will assist the lead educators in a range of tasks and activities with the children.
We are committed to providing learning environments that challenge, engage and promote each child's development and progress through the learning outcome.
Student Requirements
Prepared to work hard
Show initiative
Appropriate dress
Get along with others
Listens and takes direction
Accepts feedback
Positive attitude
Represent the business professionally
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Dress Requirements
Smart dress suitable for engaging with young children
Special Transport Requirements
Public bus transport is available - Bus 15, disembark at corner of Lawless Place and Humffray Street North, then walk 95 metres.