W139083 - Carpenter , Joiner/ cabinet maker

Carpenter , Joiner/ cabinet maker
Silver Lynx Furniture

This is a fantastic furniture maker opportunity at Silver Lynx. The company is 100% Australian-owned and operated. They pride themselves on innovative design, quality and excellent service delivery. The business manufactures bedroom and dining furniture. Silver Lynx’s products are high quality and made with loving craftsmanship. They adhere to the highest standards with pieces being made from the finest materials such as Australian Select native hardwood timbers that have been responsibly harvested and regrown in Australian forests. This work placement could be a pathway to an apprenticeship.

Skills You Might Learn

- Communication in a team environment
- Following safety signs and procedures
- Working to a production schedule and completing all tasks as directed.
- Workshop/Factory setting experience

Typical Tasks & Duties

Students are to be treated as first-year apprentices, tasks to be undertaken by students may include some or all of the following:
- Work on an edge sanding machine
- Use a pedestal drill under the supervision
- Tailing out behind various machines (which is assisting with processing timber on and off machines) and learning the process of square dressing timber.
- Workbench/area clean up
- Assist upholsterers
- Assist furniture spraying and finishing department

Student Requirements

Students will need to be prepared to work in a large workshop setting, be ready to learn and show enthusiasm and passion for the job.

Dress Requirements

Work boots and work clothes.

Special Transport Requirements

Close to public transport, Upfield Train, Bus.


  • 22338VIC - Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pre-Apprenticeship)
  • MSF20113 - Certificate II in Furnishing
  • MSF20313 - Certificate II in Furniture Making
  • MSF20516 - Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
Positions: 3 Positions
ID Number: W139083
Location: Glenroy - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: One or two week block placement Work hours - 7 am - 3.30 pm
Added By: Inner Northern Local Learning & Employment Network


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