W140221 - Agriculture worker

Agriculture worker
Thriving Foods Farm

Thriving Foods Farm is a local, family-run business that has produced deliciously fresh, organic, spray-free veggies and free-range eggs for more than five years. Located in Iona (plus an egg farm in Koo Wee Rup) Thriving Foods Farm practices sustainable regenerative farming to provide delicious, fresh, local, seasonal, certified organic veggies & quality free range eggs.
Here is a great opportunity learn about sustainable farming and become familiar with life on the land.

Skills You Might Learn

Students will learn to execute tasks required in the day-to-day operation of a busy regenerative, certified organic, chemical-free, family-run market garden. Students will learn about propagation, seed planting and how to grow a range of fruits and vegetables. Students will become familiar with various tools and equipment used in the harvesting of fresh produce. Students will also learn how to identify and manage weeds as well as sustainable farming techniques.

Typical Tasks & Duties

This placement will allow students to become familiar with planting, weeding and harvesting. Students can also participate in a range of farm projects such as setting up irrigation. Students will do digging, packing produce and loading up trailers.

Student Requirements

To get the most out of this position, students must have an interest in agriculture, horticulture or gardening. This opportunity will also be suitable for a student interested in environmental sustainability. Students must also be prepared work outdoors in various weather and do physical work involving lifting and bending.

Dress Requirements

Clothes suitable for outdoors. Work boots and hat required.

Special Transport Requirements

Thriving Foods Farm is best accessed by own transport.


  • AHC20116 - Certificate II in Agriculture
  • AHC20416 - Certificate II in Horticulture
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W140221
Location: IONA - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: Work hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm on days negotiated with the employer. Bring own lunch and water bottle.
Added By: South East Local Learning & Employment Network


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