W140240 - Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing
Moy-Yan Neighbourhood House

Moy-Yan Neighbourhood House supports the local community by responding to the needs of its participants. With a small team of staff and volunteers they run a Food Bank twice weekly supporting approximately 100 people in the area. They also provide support to senior citizens with a range of activities, including computer skills and connections with family and friends through social media. There has been a change of leadership so many of the programs are starting afresh, including a Women's Shed with building, sculpture and art projects students can contribute to in the near future.

Skills You Might Learn

Canva design, Microsoft Word, Outlook & Excel, work related skills such as good communication, reliability and flexibility working across a range of activities.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Students will be supporting staff and participants with computer skills and techniques, including setting up computers, explaining basic Microsoft programs such as outlook, helping set up digital devices, laptops and sharing photos on social media and across devices. The centre is paperless so creating and sharing images and posts for Facebook and the website will be done through Canva.

Student Requirements

You will be required to be supportive, respectful and friendly, able to communicate with a range of participants, particularly senior clientele. As this employer is a not-for-profit community organisation payment will not be provided.

Dress Requirements

Neat casual, closed toe shoes and no tank tops

Special Transport Requirements

Accessible by bus or train


  • ICT30118 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology
  • VCE0000001 - VCE (including VCE Vocational Major)
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W140240
Location: Garfield - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: This placement is available on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Added By: South East Local Learning & Employment Network


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