W140307 - Motor mechanic

Motor mechanic
Vass Motors

This is a great place to learn the art of motor mechanics in this highly organised and professional service and repairs automotive centre. This is a friendly work environment where the host is highly skilled in assisting students to learn and practice a wide range of skills. This is a great opportunity to work in a modern and successful automotive business with the potential for an apprenticeship for a hard working dedicated technician.

Skills You Might Learn

The student will gain an understanding of basic mechanical services and repair tasks for a variety of engines, from cars, trucks, forklifts etc. Students will gain technician skills according to ability and willingness to apply knowledge. Skills of team work, workplace communication, safe work practices will be attained.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Maintenance servicing, draining oils, removing wheels, unpacking the workshop to get tools ready for the day, keeping the workshop area clean and tidy. Each day you will be provided with a duty list to check off and ensure the efficient running of the workshop.

Student Requirements

The student must be willing to learn and keen to work in an automotive business. The student needs to be well presented with the ability to work in a clean and ordered manner. The student is expected to be punctual, to be a good listener and be prepared to work well in a team. Piercings and jewelry will not be accepted. Please check with employer regarding any COVID safe practices and immunisation requirements before starting placement.

Dress Requirements

Protective clothing, safety footwear, overalls, clean neat & tidy appearance, strictly no jewellery

Special Transport Requirements

Train to Springvale station and 10 minute walk.


  • AUR20520 - Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology
  • AUR20720 - Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
Positions: 4 Positions
ID Number: W140307
Industry Area: AUTOMOTIVE
Location: Springvale - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: ***Fantastic placements immediately available! ***Please negotiate with the employer about the placement day before consuming the opportunity. ***Full work days are essential. If you are going to be late it is essential you let the employer know. Students will need to bring morning tea and lunch to fit in with the routine and culture of the work place.
Added By: South East Local Learning & Employment Network


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