W140783 - Admin assistant

Admin assistant
Melbourne Speech and Language Services

Are you studying business but also interested in the community services sector? A placement at Melbourne Speech and Language Services (MSLS) would be a great place to discover which pathway you would like to take! This opportunity is based at their Speech Pathology clinic in Dandenong, where you will provide admin support to an experienced team of caring professionals who assist children with their speech, language, and social skills development. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY OR FRIDAY placements only! NO PLACEMENTS AVAILABLE JUNE.

Skills You Might Learn

This placement will provide an opportunity to build on the necessary skills to work effectively in an office environment, these will include; communication skills, data entry, time management, along with Microsoft office suite

Typical Tasks & Duties

Typical tasks and duties may include a range of tasks involved in working in an allied health/ early childhood setting. You will assist with meeting and greeting clients, typical administration duties, helping with client appointments, tidy and clean between appointments, and depending on capacity and interest, create resources and assist with research,

Student Requirements

Working in an office environment you will need to be self-motivated, enjoy literacy and numeracy, able to communicate with a range of participants (mostly children) work as part of a team and keep information confidential. Have a strong willingness to learn and follow instruction

Dress Requirements

Smart Casual wear suitable for an office environment.

Special Transport Requirements

Public transport available


  • BSB20115 - Certificate II in Business
  • BSB30115 - Certificate III in Business
  • CHC22015 - Certificate II in Community Services
  • HLT33015 - Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
  • HLT37315 - Certificate III in Health Administration
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W140783
Location: DANDENONG - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: This placement will be available on a MONDAY, WEDNESDAY OR FRIDAY placements only! from 9.00am to 1.00pm. NO PLACEMENTS AVAILABLE JUNE.
Added By: South East Local Learning & Employment Network


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