Community Projects Assistant
City of Ballarat
Work experience placement for 1 week available at the Eureka Centre with the Education and Public Programs Team. Placements are available on a case by case basis, so please apply here -
Dependent on the student. Usually placed within the Education and Public Prgrams department. Student may undertake research, help record public events, completing copy editing work etc. We do not have an open placement available, but we are happy to be contacted if there is a student who has a particular interest in working with us. They would be required to do a meet-and-greet/interview prior to acceptance. Acceptance is dependent on our workload at time of application and appropriate projects for students to work on.
Skills You Might Learn
Ability to work in a team; Technical skills; Using specialist technology; Communication skills;
Typical Tasks & Duties
Assisting in the day to day tasks of the business; Administration duties; Set up and pack down of equipment;
Student Requirements
Working With Children Check (only applicable for students over the age of 16);
Good communication and interpersonal skills, gets along with others; Dresses and behaves in an appropriate manner; Punctual, reliable, trustworthy and responsible; Positive attitude;
Dress Requirements
Please dress in professional clothing (school uniform would also be acceptable).
Special Transport Requirements
Public transport is available