W140798 - Community Projects Assistant

Community Projects Assistant
City of Ballarat

Work experience placement available for 1 week block in City of Ballarat Libraries, 1 student per Term at either the Ballarat Central or Sebastopol Libraries.
To apply, please complete the application form here - https://forms.office.com/r/W6ZyZV8Hdi

A range of services are available at our libraries, including free WiFi, public PCs, meeting rooms (Ballarat Library and Sebastopol Library) and more.

Skills You Might Learn

Customer service; Ability to work in a team; Technical skills; Working with a diverse cohort of people; Time management; Communication skills;

Typical Tasks & Duties

Ballarat Library and Sebastopol Library - working in library customer service and library operations (packing/unpacking boxes, shelving, collection tasks). Assisting in the day to day tasks of the business; Set up and pack down of equipment;

Student Requirements

Working With Children Check (only applicable for students over the age of 16);
Punctual, reliable, trustworthy and responsible; Listens and takes direction; Good communication and interpersonal skills, gets along with others; Positive attitude; Dresses and behaves in an appropriate manner;

Dress Requirements

Smart clothing. Wear close-toed shoes

Special Transport Requirements

Public transport is available

Positions: 4 Positions
ID Number: W140798
Location: BALLARAT CENTRAL - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Work Experience (WE)
Attendance: 9:30am to 3pm daily
Added By: Highlands Local Learning & Employment Network


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