W141224 - Community Projects Assistant

Community Projects Assistant
City of Ballarat

Work Experience opportunity available for 1 student from the 24th to 28th March, 2025.

Students will assist in development and execution of library programs, shelve and sort ingoing and outgoing books, shadow the library officers, collect lists and contact special projects such as environmental scans on social media of other libraries to determine trends and flyer inclusions for marketing.


Skills You Might Learn

Customer service; Ability to work in a team; Technical skills; Working with a diverse cohort of people; Time management; Communication skills;

Typical Tasks & Duties

A typical week of work experience looks like the following schedule;
Monday Ballarat 9.30am-11am – Welcome, Library orientation, Library OHS (Use OHS checklist) explaining what we do, showing FOH/BOH, upstairs etc
11am – 12pm – Shadow FOH
12pm-1pm Lunch
1pm-2pm – Shadow BOH
2pm-3.30pm – Reader Development
Tuesday Ballarat 9.30am – Back of house, shelving, boxes
10am-12pm – Children's programs, observing Wriggle and Rhyme
12pm-1pm Lunch
1pm-2pm Shadow FOH – hold list, customer service, displays
2pm-3.30pm – Heritage/local & family history awareness
Wednesday Ballarat 9.30am – Back of house, shelving, boxes
10am-12pm – Tech Q&A
12pm-1pm Lunch
1pm-2pm – Shadow BOH – weeding, shelving, boxes
2pm-3.30pm - iPad class
Thursday Ballarat 9.30am-12pm – Tech services
12pm-1pm Lunch
1pm-2pm – Shadow FOH
2pm-3.30pm – Children's programs and collections, observe Baby Bounce
Friday Ballarat 9.30am-10.30am - Social media
10.30am-12pm – Reader Development
12pm-1pm Lunch
1pm-3.30pm – Shadow BOH/FOH

FOH – Front of House: Customer service, assisting customers
BOH – Back of House: Packing/unpacking boxes, shelving, sorting trolleys, using lists to pull books off shelves
Reader Development: Promotion of books and reading, creation of online promotions, book lists, book stacks, book reviews
Social Media: Environmental scan of other libraries social media and report on trends, popular posts, interesting and engaging posts. Pitch for social media posts promoting something happening in the library, books and reading
Program/Events: Shadowing, assisting with set-up/pack-up, assisting with program/event
Youth programs and services: Work with Youth librarian, provide feedback on youth programs/promotion, assist with program and service development, pitch program and service ideas
Heritage services: work through Local & Family history awareness training

Student Requirements

Working With Children Check (only applicable for students over the age of 16, Punctual, reliable, trustworthy and responsible; Listens and takes direction; Good communication and interpersonal skills, gets along with others; Positive attitude; Dresses and behaves in an appropriate manner;

Dress Requirements

Informal professional attire, no logos, no tracksuits and must have closed-toed shoes.

Special Transport Requirements

Public transport available

Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W141224
Location: SEBASTOPOL - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Work Experience (WE)
Attendance: 9:30am to 3pm daily. Please arrive 10 minutes early on the first day.
Added By: Highlands Local Learning & Employment Network


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