W141373 - Early Childhood Educator

Early Childhood Educator
Northern Bay College Early Learning Centre

This employer offers an opportunity for a student who is wanting to pursue a career pathway in children’s services. The employer is a large centre which has a reputation of providing the highest quality of care. This centre has baby rooms, toddler rooms and provides a number of 3 and 4 year old program

Skills You Might Learn

The student will gain an understanding of working with children in a childcare centre environment, working within relevant government guidelines, communicating with staff and parents clearly and confidently and providing care to a range of children (babies, toddlers up to 3-4 year olds)

Typical Tasks & Duties

The student will be learning all aspects of the childcare industry and will be rotated throughout the centres various rooms. Students will be assisting with the provision of care from babies to toddlers, supporting the development of the children in care and ensuring the health and safety of children and staff members. This role is very hands-on and will include assisting children with eating and setting up and cleaning up of activities.

Student Requirements

The student must be willing to learn and keen to work in a childcare centre environment. The student needs to be well presented, able to communicate clearly, follow directions and happy to work in a hands-on manner

Dress Requirements

Clean and comfortable dress is required. You must be able to move freely in your workwear as you will be participating in activities with the children in your care.

Special Transport Requirements

Student to organise own transport,


  • CHC30113 - Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
Positions: 7 Positions
ID Number: W141373
Location: Corio - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: SWL and WE
Added By: Geelong Region Local Learning & Employment Network


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