W141488 - Construction assistant

Construction assistant
Able Truss

Able Truss is an Australian owned, family business with over 15 years in the Melbourne truss industry and 35 years in construction within the Greater Melbourne area. They have a multicultural staff and are experienced workplace learning employers. They make roof trusses, floor trusses or wall frames for a variety of buildings. They offer opportunities for a week or one day a week. See attendance details for available options.

Skills You Might Learn

SWL students would be able to gain confidence and insight into the timber fabrication industry. They would learn to work in a multicultural work environment, develop skills in reading plans and recognising timber grains. This is a good opportunity to develop work related skills and strong work ethics.

Typical Tasks & Duties

At Able Truss SWL students would be involved in helping the team to fabricate the trusses. There would be general cleaning, timber picking, stacking and the potential to do trade assistant jobs if ready.

Student Requirements

SWL students would be required to follow all safety guidelines and procedures and show a good attitude. A willingness to help out the work team would be highly regarded.

Dress Requirements

Students are required to wear practical labouring clothes, They will also need to wear a high vis vest and steel cap boots. Able Truss will provide the necessary PPE such as safety glasses, gloves and hearing protection to wear on site.

Special Transport Requirements

There is public transport available. Go to: www.ptv.vic.gov.au for bus and train options.


  • CPC20112 - Certificate II in Construction
  • VIC22216 - Certificate II in Building and Construction
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W141488
Location: Sunshine West - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: days and times will be negotiated with the host.
Added By: Future Connect Local Learning & Employment Network


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