W141606 - Project Engineer

Project Engineer
ALS Hydrographics

** Pls contact GSGLLEN (janelle@gsgllen.org.au) via your teacher to arrange placement ** Would you like to undertake a work placement in an industry that supports and protects the environment? This employer is offering tailored SWL opportunities for students with an interest in electronics, technology, environmental science, plumbing, horticulture, creativity and science. Gain an understanding and rare insight into how various environmental conditions are measured and monitored.

Skills You Might Learn

Students will gain valuable experience in the industry and be exposed to specialised tasks. Other skills that students can enhance include teamwork, understanding of environmental parameters and developing organisation and time management strategies.

Typical Tasks & Duties

Under supervision the student may be involved as a Survey assistant on site, water sampling, operating live data app, site preparation and maintenance and operation of drones and/or remote control boat. At the Office the team will introduce you to Hydstra, Data Editing, Rating Tables and V-Notch Weir calculation. Field Trips- Assist with set up and pack up of site testing. Learn about ODALOG Calibrations, Water Quality Calibrations and Gas Detector Calibrations - Bump Test

Student Requirements

Punctuality is important. See Dress Requirements for further information. Students will be required to complete the SWL travel and accommodation form as travel to sites will be required.

Dress Requirements

Steel capped boots are required. Students should wear a long sleeved shirt and long pants and and dependent on weather headwear is required, A cap for summer months and a beanie for winter months.

Special Transport Requirements

This location is best reached by bus or car. Students will be required to complete the SWL travel and accommodation form as travel to sites will be required.


  • 22289VIC - Certificate II in Integrated Technologies
  • 22470VIC - Certificate II in Engineering Studies
  • 22499VIC - Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Pre-Vocational)
  • AHC20416 - Certificate II in Horticulture
  • ICT20115 - Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology
  • MSL30118 - Certificate III in Laboratory Skills
Positions: 1 Position
ID Number: W141606
Industry Area: ENGINEERING
Location: Hamilton - Explore Region
Mode/Type: Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
Attendance: A minimum of 5 days / 40 hours of SWL placement is being offered per student. Placement options can be negotiated upon discussion with the employer.
Added By: Glenelg and Southern Grampians Local Learning & Employment Network


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