ABY & CO Hair and Beauty
This salon is located in the shopping strip in Lalor. Aby & co Hair & Beauty strives to provide a friendly, personalised service through a team of highly skilled and creative professionals. Teamwork is their most valuable asset, which ensures clients are always number one and strive to exceed our expectations.
Skills You Might Learn
Students will have the opportunity to improve their: communication skills; teamwork; customer service; product knowledge; blow drying; exposure to hairdressing booking systems and washing hair.
Typical Tasks & Duties
Shampoo hair, keeping the salon clean and tidy, making customer’s tea/coffee, general housekeeping, greeting customers, getting equipment ready for the qualified hairdresser and assisting other staff members as required.
Student Requirements
Students should be keen to pursue an apprenticeship in hairdressing in the future. Some other qualities the employer is looking for is a creative flair, openness to learning, passionate and energetic.
Furthermore, students should never be on their phone whilst on the floor of the shop, should be highly reliable, respectful and pro-active.
Dress Requirements
Please discuss with Ash
Special Transport Requirements
Please PTV app for transport options
- SHB20216 - Certificate II in Salon Assistant